Qlik Updates Partner Program; Adds BI MSP Offering

Published On: May 7, 2018Categories: Buzz, Uncategorized

Qlik, a Pennsylvania-based data analytics vendor, has updated its partner program for increased simplicity, better channel profitability, and tighter alignment with the company’s overall go-to-market strategy.

Through the announced adjustments, the three-tier partner program is moving towards a value-based model providing escalating tier-based benefits, including rewards for driving new business.

“Data fuels company growth and opportunity, and it’s crucial that customers can rely on their trusted partners to deliver analytics innovations that will help drive that growth,” said Chris Moore, SVP of partners and alliances.

Qlik has launched an offering for the BI market designed to enable MSPs to augment digital transformations through more effective data acquisition, management, and analysis intended to drive new services and revenues.

Additional enhancements include a more partner-focused sales framework for the commercial market; revised licensing terms; simplified revenue requirements based on the partner’s total book of business; and reduced deal registration and sales discount thresholds.

According to the company, Qlik does business in more than 100 countries with over 45,000 customers globally.

Channel Impact®
The updated channel program is expected to facilitate partners in helping customers to make better business decisions through enhanced use of available data.


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