A Letter From Our Founder
Channel Impact has been navigating the effects of COVID-19 alongside our clients, employees and colleagues within the partner community and beyond.
Since the founding of Channel Impact, it’s been a core value to provide our full-time employees with a salary and quality benefits. We take great pride in caring for our workforce, so that they in turn can take excellent care of our clients.
From the start, we have embraced mobile worker technology. Our team of Channel careerist are well-versed at working remotely. This enables us to remain steadfast in our commitment to helping our clients achieve their business goals, regardless of the challenges that lie ahead.
During this time of uncertainty, Channel Impact assures our customers and community of our unwavering support and continued commitment to helping you achieve route-to-market success.
We thank you for your business and we are here to support you in any way we can.
Warmest regards,
Laura Bergerson
Founder, Channel Impact
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