Zoom Launches Partner Demand Center

Published On: January 9, 2022Categories: Buzz, Uncategorized

Zoom has rolled out the “Zoom Partner Demand Center,” a turnkey platform offering a variety of strategies to help partners go to market with the company’s services.

Powered by StructuredWeb, the platform is designed to provide members with a leading marketing automation platform, enabling partners to execute customized, multi-touch campaigns directly from the Demand Center. Users can also download the content and assets they need to execute campaigns through their own systems.

Capabilities include support for email campaigns, web content syndication, social media marketing, events marketing, webinar syndication, video marketing, digital ads, and banners. Campaign localization is also offered in more than 50 languages through an integration with Google Translate, allowing partners to translate email campaigns with the click of a button. Analytics and reporting capabilities are also included.

Channel Impact®
The Zoom Partner Demand Center is intended to provide partners with the tools and resources designed to help users upskill their existing team. These resources include online marketing support, training, and access to a partner marketing concierge service.

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